An alternative X-mas present ...

Collector's Items - GoGos
Originally uploaded by ubermore

'You know, mummy, the thing you hold in your hands, like this...' Anton kept saying when he so wished for the Nintendo DS. And that gave me an idea which still works today (2 years later)!!!
Instead of giving into his craving for a handheld console, Anton got his very own camera (from the parents) and a mini printer (from the grand parents). He also got a metal board to hang up all his photos. Anton loves taking pictures and filming.
Unfortunately, I could not find the clip he did, walking from room to room while talking over the footage - like a mini documentary. So sweet!! But this clip should do as well.

Here are some product links:
We bought a Casio because it had a big display. Meanwhile there is quite a choice out there. Printer , Flip Camera