Eggy business

An old German tradition just before Eastern is to blow out the yolk and white of an egg, paint the empty egg and hang it up on some branches. We do that every year. The kids love it. You can keep the colored eggs for next years decoration...just like X-mas.
I guess this tradition is still a pagan relict, celebrating fertility.

Interactive Snow Projection

Not that we ever get that much snow here in London...but I love the playful way of using snow as a projection surface. Very tactile in some weird way...
Can't wait for the next snow to happen and try it out with my kids.

Merry Christmas xxx

What messy worktops can do to kids...
I like to think that it is my messy worktop covered with sketches and storyboards that inspires Luca and Anton to draw stories themselves...or it is their never ending competitive drive, knowing they can do it better....or... maybe it's just boredom....
Here is a X-mas story Anton did during one of his early Sunday mornings, while patiently waiting for Mum and Dad to get up and start the day.
We recorded his voice a bit later...he does not like listening to it, so please don't mention the blog entry to him ;)

Merry Christmas to all of you and a happy new year.

An alternative X-mas present ...

Collector's Items - GoGos
Originally uploaded by ubermore

'You know, mummy, the thing you hold in your hands, like this...' Anton kept saying when he so wished for the Nintendo DS. And that gave me an idea which still works today (2 years later)!!!
Instead of giving into his craving for a handheld console, Anton got his very own camera (from the parents) and a mini printer (from the grand parents). He also got a metal board to hang up all his photos. Anton loves taking pictures and filming.
Unfortunately, I could not find the clip he did, walking from room to room while talking over the footage - like a mini documentary. So sweet!! But this clip should do as well.

Here are some product links:
We bought a Casio because it had a big display. Meanwhile there is quite a choice out there. Printer , Flip Camera

A plate of worms for halloween

Cook a pot of spaghetties the day before Halloween, shock them with cold water so they don't get too sticky while cooling down and mix with some food dye. Only add the wrapped sweets into the pot before offering to the kids. It does create quite some entertaining reactions...careful, the little once like to think that the spaghetties are the treat.
We have done this now for several years and the kids in our street already look forward to the yucky experience of 'sweet picking'. Simple but effective!!

Are fairy cakes art?

Fairy cakes as a creative platform for artistic expression keeps my boys engaged and focused, until the e-colors kick in!! The visual creativity gets replaced by the physical and can lead to record breaking high jumps on the trampoline and long distance football kicks ...:)
Make sure your china is save!
Recipe: Mix 2 eggs, 100g (4oz) self-raising flour, 100g (4oz) butter, 100g (4 oz) sugar, divide into 15 cup cakes and bake for 15-20 min on 190 C

How to make Batman jump!

Occasionally, I do drag my boys to the Museum and I get the big moaning in the back of the car: ’Why do we have to sit in the car and go to see these expeditions?'... ‘'cause I say so!!!’
One of the most influential exhibitions in my kids early ‘artistic career’ was the Fischli-and-Weiss at the Tate years ago. Even today, we are still building chains of domino pieces, books, brio train tracks and balls across the floor, just to make batman jump into it’s escape vehicle! Great game for a rainy afternoon! requires a few tries and lots of patience...but once it works, it gives you a great sense of achievement! Vorsprung durch Technik - sag ich da car...